

123 Bowery, New York, NY 10002

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Common Practice Workshop is a shared workspace on the Bowery. We’re currently made up of designers, architects, writers, an arts nonprofit, a choreographer & an historic preservationist.

We are open to New Members!
As a member you’ll recieve 24/7 access to our full-floor space with great natural light, high ceilings & high speed internet. We prefer people who are looking to stay for a while, as we seek a cohesive group to foster collaboration and projects. However we are open to limited month-to-month members as well. We always keep a few desks free for growth and flexibility (as well cutting architectural models, making collages, etc). Our office features 3 conference rooms, which means that there is almost never a moment when there is not a private space available for calls.

Email us for pricing, questions or to schedule a visit to see the space!:

The name Common Practice coined by one of our founding members Adam Koogler (back when we were a band of Occupy-adjacent artist-activists). We think it speaks to the horizonal connections between the different disciplines we work alongside - and emphasizes an aspirational goal of doing creative work towards a common good.

All Memberships Include:
24/7 Access
Free Black and White Printing
Honor code Color Printing limit
Coffee and Snacks
Seating Area
High Speed Wifi
Creative Community
Quiet & Studious Work Environment
3 Conference Rooms (4th Upcoming)
Natural Light & High Ceilings
All Dedicated Desks